Italian Ice Carts
Italian ice is rapidly becoming an American favorite. Some Italian Ice vendors refer to their products as water ice, some as soft frozen lemonade. Regardless of the name, ices are generally best served at temperatures warmer than those used to serve ice cream. With the exclusive Nelson Digital Thermostat, you can set your cart for exactly the temperature you want. Check out the videos below, then read on for more information.
Brand New – as affordable as $1,699 and as sophisticated as $12,000. Buying a cart can be tricky so make sure you educate yourself. The cart you buy will depend largely on the product you plan to offer. Watching our videos below will help. If you’re serious about the business, consider our affordable ice cream and Italian ice business consulting packages starting at $99. Lastly, don’t forget to request an e-mail with pricing on our full line of carts. Non-Refrigeration – CLT-4 Model Refrigerated Cold-Plate BDC-8 Model

For immediate access to ALL pricing, simply fill in your first name and e-mail
Want to Dip Italian Ice out of Your Cart?
See Nelson Mobile Dipping Carts Below!
Nelson: Ice Cream Push Carts – Mobile Dipping Carts
Not sure what you need? If you just need the “cart look” with wheels and you can keep the cart plugged in, then we may have a very economical option for you. Click here to find out more.— USED ICE CREAM CARTS -click here
email us if you have questions or concerns: [email protected]NEW ITALIAN ICE CARTS FOR SALE:
Ice Cream Carts, Ice Cream Push Carts, Ice Cream Dipping Carts, Nelson Ice Cream Carts, Nelson Dipping Carts, Coldelite Ice Cream Carts, Minus Forty Ice Cream Carts, Mobile Ice Cream Carts, Ice Cream Novelty Carts, Popsicle Carts