Difference between Single Phase vs 3 Phase Power

May 14th, 2015 by
single phase electrical power vs. 3 phase electrical in soft serve yogurt machines


All locations have single phase power, but they may not have three phase. Most commercial locations typically have 3 phase power . Older buildings normally don’t have 3 phase power.
Why do 3 phase power machines exist? 3 phase power is a little less expensive to run as far as electrical usage. It won’t save you that much when you are running  only a couple of machines, but when you are running a lot of machines, it can help reduce your electric bill.
In certain situations, a customer’s location might not have 3 phase power in the electrical box, but there is 3 phase power in the building, so it may not cost that much to have an electrician put 3 phase in the breaker box. This is one situation where you might say, “that’s a great deal for that 3 phase machine, and it’s only $500 to have the electrician wire 3 phase into our electrical box, so let’s do it. If there isn’t 3 phase power in the building to begin with, then forget about 3 phase machines. It could cost $15 to $20k to bring 3 phase into a building. In this situation, just understand that you are limited to single phase machines.
If you have questions about soft serve ice cream and frozen yogurt machines, feel free to give us a call. We sell all the major brands new and used. Taylor, Stoelting, Argosy, Electro Freeze, Donper, Spaceman and more.