Self-Service vs. Full Service
Frozen Yogurt Stores
The first frozen yogurt stores that were founded several years ago offered customers the full service frozen yogurt experience. This business model mirrored that of ice cream stores such as Marble Slab Creamery and Cold Stone Creamery. Customers walk in, choose a menu item, and have the personnel behind the counter create their frozen yogurt treat just as described on the menu. The customer would then pay the at price that was listed on the menu for their frozen treat. Now, however, the self-service frozen yogurt business model has taken over the frozen yogurt industry with stores popping up all over the country.
Now, if you are still asking yourself which type of business model would work best for you, take a look at the list that we have provided on the next page that includes the advantages and disadvantages of both the full service and self-service concepts.
Why has self-serve frozen yogurt become so popular in the last few years you may ask? Well, it is all about the customization, the experience, the price, and so much more! Self-serve frozen yogurt stores allow customers to walk in, sample as many flavors as they choose, and create their very own frozen yogurt masterpiece that can be comprised of just one single flavor or multiple flavors, all in the same cup. Not to mention, all of the different combinations of toppings that can be added as well. And, the price tends to be more attractive to customers too. With self- serve, each frozen yogurt cup is weighed and charged by the ounce, making it more appealing to customers because they can better control how much money they are spending.

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Popularity. The popularity of self-serve frozen yogurt is at the core of today’s frozen yogurt success. Frozen Yogurt has become so popular that pretty much anyone and everyone is familiar with both the product and the concept. Variety. In general, this concept is able to o er more flavors and toppings to customers. This is important because it will attract and convert previous full service ice cream shop consumers into devout frozen yogurt swirler. Control. The moment a customer grabs a cup, they have the freedom to control their portion size, their flavor combinations and their topping variations. This concept empowers the customer because they are left to make their own decisions based on their health and financial needs. Fun. Grab a cup and ll it up! This experience is fun and interactive for both children and adults. You will rarely ever see a frozen yogurt customer with a frown on their face. Food Cost Analysis. Since customers pay by the ounce and all frozen yogurt mix and toppings are labeled by weight, you can calculate your food costs precisely for each and every item. Simplicity. As a store owner, the self-serve concept is easy to operate and maintain since it requires fewer employees and less food preparation. Fewer employees are required because the customers are creating their own yogurt cups rather than the employees making them, and the food prep only requires the cutting of fruit, refilling of topping containers and pouring yogurt mix into the hoppers of the machines.Cons:
Cleaning. On average, the typical self-serve store has six to eight machines. Having more machines requires more machine cleaning, and you must clean the machines regularly in order to maintain the product’s high quality. It is recommended to clean each machine twice per week; however, local health regulations will tell you exactly how many times it needs to be done. Equipment Costs. Compared to full service, self-serve typically requires more soft serve machines in order to provide a wider variety of flavors for your customers.